Possibilities of Escapes: the spacestime of the school routine and the inventiveness of teachers in contexts of “partnerships” between the public and the private
Inventiveness, Teachers' possibilities of escapes, Partnerships between public and privateAbstract
This text seeks to problematize the escape routes forged by male and female teachers who experience and are touched by the teaching practice that takes place in an educational context configured by public-private partnerships in the rural region of Pernambuco. In order to problematize the business private sector and its performance in public education, which conceives, suggests and guides programs and projects for training teachers and managers, as well as curricular proposals, we established dialogues with Adrião; Pinheiro (2012), Adrião (2018), Peroni (2021), Laval (2019), among others. Mobilized, mainly, by the notions of inventiveness used by Dias (2009;2012) and temporalities, by Kohan (2018) and Ponce (2016), we were able to map the movements of the teachers who constituted possibilities of escapes from the prescriptions and standardizations posed by the projects and private sector programs. Data production took place through observations and conversations guided by ethnography in a municipal public school in the rural region of Pernambuco. The findings pointed out that the possibilities of escapes are given by the inventive movements of the teachers - they question, problematize, listen with sensitivity and affection and thus seek to resist attempts at controls, prescriptions and standardizations.
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