The modelo of rotation by seasons in the área of Natural Sciences: literature review between 2017 and 2024
Hybrid teaching, Rotation by stations, Basic EducationAbstract
The Station Rotation (RpE) model allows the student to be in contact with different ways of learning in just one class. Allowing the teacher to assume the role of mediator and the student the role of protagonist in the teaching-learning process. Based on a literature review, this study discusses how the RpE modality has been approached in the classroom, in Basic Education, in the area of Natural Sciences, according to productions published between 2017-2024 in database Scielo, a Google Scholar search engine, a virtual library Periódicos CAPES and a Catalog of Theses and Dissertations and Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations repository, through the search for the “rotation by stations” connector. The databases consulted in CAPES journals are described in the Results topic. With the aim of answering the questions of how the methodology has been developed within the classroom, which strategies are being applied, what level of education and which subjects. In the first stage, all titles, keywords, and summary of the works found. In the second stage, the complete reading of the 21 selected works took place. The results indicate that the methodology has been developed both in isolation and in conjunction with other strategies, mainly in conjunction with the didactic sequence. At different levels of education and subjects. The predominant activities in RpE are videos, practical activities/experiments and texts. It is clear that this is a methodology that still requires further studies and it is hoped that this work will encourage future research.
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