Blackening women's speech: Lélia González's contributions to Brazilian Portuguese
Lélia González, Amefricanity, Black Feminism, pretoguês, racial prejudiceAbstract
The article deals with the participation of Lélia González in the formation of the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil throughout her life. In this perspective, concepts such as Amefricanidad, black feminism, and pretoguês emerge, treated under bibliographical research that aims to analyse Lélia's contributions to black feminism and, consequently, the influence of the enslaved person's language on the official language. Using popular expressions, slang, and sarcasm, Lélia Gonzáles shows us how the "senzala dialect" materialized in the black mother and influenced the Brazilian language. For more than three centuries, black women in the Americas have faced hard work, sexual exploitation, lack of support, and the stereotypes created around the identity they have left behind. Thus, Lélia González recovers her ancestry and shows through her life trajectory how much the Brazilian people carry the “black mother” in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil.
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