Paulo Freire in the national and international scientific production: A bibliometric analysis (1973-2022)
Bibliometric study, History of education, History of intellectuals, Paulo Freire, Web of ScienceAbstract
The contributions of the educator Paulo Freire permeate the educational field, interfacing with various areas of knowledge.the objective was to analyze the articles about Paulo Freire indexed in the Web of Science database from 1973 to 2022. A bibliometric study was carried out, analyzing 913 articles. The Web of Science formulations and the VOSviewer and Excel programs favored the data treatment and analysis. The first article was indexed in 1973, with a rise since 2007, much more expressive from 2017. Brazil has the largest number of articles, but most citations are from the United States; 63 countries are co-author; the theme discussed is plural, strongly thickened by the Freirean itinerary in defense of liberating education, including emerging themes such as sexual gender and ecopedagogy. The influence and the actuality of Paulo Freire's conceptions are corroborated, which make the History of Brazilian Education notable nationally and internationally.
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