The 2030 Agenda: the principle of responsibility and ethics in Technological Education




2030 Agenda, Technological Education, Social responsibility


The 2030 Agenda is a commitment between countries to take global action for world development. This agenda includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as some goals to be carried out. Among the objectives, the fourth is aimed at the development of Quality Education. This work aims to reflect on the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, especially about the fourth objective and its relationship with Technological Education, considering the principle of responsibility, by Hans Jonas (2006), and the scenario of education that, from 2020, was severely altered by the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, also considering that information technologies affect educational processes and pedagogical practices. It starts with the question of seeking what are the current needs for training within Technological Education and how can the principle of responsibility, by Hans Jonas, help in its development? This is a qualitative exploratory research that develops and discusses concepts and reflections on education, technology, sustainability, the principle of responsibility and ethics, involving bibliographic and document research. The results of the investigation point to the importance of a new concept for Technological Education, which affects its conception regarding sustainable actions and is not based on commodification, but proposes a technological formation that thinks about praxis taking into account human social conditions , not only of production, but also of survival and life on the planet.

Author Biographies

Dilma Heloisa Santos, State University of Ponta Grossa

Professora do Departamento de Estudos da Linguagem

Rodrigo Otávio Santos, Centro Universitário Internacional

Pós-doutor em Tecnologia e sociedade pela UTFPR;
Doutor em História pela UFPR;
Mestre em Tecnologia pela UTFPR;
Pós-graduado em Comunicacão Social e Novas Tecnologias;
Graduado em História pela UFPR.


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How to Cite

Santos, D. H., & Santos, R. O. (2023). The 2030 Agenda: the principle of responsibility and ethics in Technological Education. Education, 48(1), e124/1–19.