Teaching work condition in Stricto Sensu Post-graduation in Education in the Triângulo Mineiro Region: factors under analysis
Teaching work; Stricto Sensu Post-graduation in Education; Conditions of teaching workAbstract
The changes in the world of work, related to productive restructuring and flexible accumulation, are also present in the context of the stricto sensu post-graduation in Education in the Triangulo Mineiro region (PGERTM); they influence the condition of the teaching work and bring consequences to the professional and personal life of teachers. In this direction, this article aims to understand how capitalism, in its phase of flexible accumulation, has influenced the condition of teaching work and the lives of teachers who work in PGERTM. The research was guided by the epistemological assumptions of the historical-dialectical materialism, having as instruments of data collection a closed questionnaire and a structured interview script, applied in different stages. In the first stage the sample was composed of 44 professors of the permanent category of the PGERTM Programs and in the second stage ten professors participated. The results indicate that flexible capitalism has favored work intensification in PGERTM through strategies such as: the lengthening of the work day, the accumulation of activities, and the demand for results in order to extract more productivity and value; all of this ends up affecting the working conditions of teachers and the lives of teachers. It is concluded that the tendencies of the capitalist mode of production permeate the condition of the teaching work in the PGERTM, whose organization involves not only pedagogical activities, the production of knowledge as a source of work, but also the totality of social relations that demand from teachers a greater participation, adaptability, flexibility and subjective engagement in face of an always changing conjuncture
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