Construction of the teaching identity in times of pandemic: narratives of elementary school teachers
Teacher identity, Pandemic, Remote teachingAbstract
The text focuses on the professional identity of teachers in basic education, promoting a comprehensive analysis of how teachers have inhabited the teaching profession in times of pandemic. In this sense, this article aims to identify the factors that are related to the construction of the teaching identity in times of pandemic. For that, semi-structured interviews were used and applied to a total of fourteen teachers from three municipalities in the State of Bahia, with professional performance in the first years of elementary school. Two blocks of questions were prepared: the first, with three closed questions about the professional profile of the informant and the second block, containing four open questions from which broader answers were sought regarding the impacts of the pandemic, with a focus on construction of the teaching identity. Qualitative in nature, the interviews were devices that provided a mapping of how teachers have developed teaching practices and knowledge in the pandemic. The results show feelings of exhaustion, anguish, uncertainty, overload, resilience, in addition to the abandonment suffered by public authorities in the training processes, which further compromises the construction of the identity of teachers marked by their own history as a profession that is constantly undergoing a process of self-assertion, above all in constant search for recognition by public authorities and Society.
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