Reflexivities and Social Research: the dialogic production of reality




Reflexivities, Social research, Social reality.


During the interview, we aim to problematize issues pertinent to social research with/about childhood and youths, highlighting the reflexive processes that constitute contemporary social actions. Thus, we invite Enzo Colombo for a conversation about the different theoretical-methodological perspectives that bring up the theme of “reflexivity”, considering it a category of interpretation in view of the current processes of socialization and individuation. The contributions raised by Enzo Colombo answers emerge from epistemological criticisms and didactically outline interpretative perspectives of the reflexive action, namely: a) the reflection of the social actor on him/herself and the context, interacting with codes and activities; b) the recursive process of incorporating results from action and knowledge; and c) the relational practice of producing senses and action in the interaction. Therefore, he continues his arguments to discuss the socio-political conditions to produce a ‘construcionist reflexivity’, held to the contexts and dialogues between the subjects, aware to the research participation in the construction of social reality.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, L. R., & Colombo, E. (2021). Reflexivities and Social Research: the dialogic production of reality. Education, 46(1), e85/ 1–36.