The practices of continued progression as maintainers of barbarismo
Continued progression, Pseudoformation, BarbarismAbstract
The object of study in this article are the practices of continued progression adopted as a system of evaluation and recovery of the educational system in cycles, characteristics of the state public school system in São Paulo. This object is problematized, considering that, given the poor school education received by the immense majority of students, the difficulty of competing for vacancies in an increasingly scarce job market will be the only - or even the worst - taint left by the way how are the practices related to this public policy? Will there be negative effects in other areas of the lives of these individuals, other than just the professional? The objectives are: to identify and analyze the consequences of school malformation as a result of the practices of continued progression in a state public school in São Paulo. The empirical methodology used involves participant observation procedures and sociological portraits. The analysis of the data collected is done through Theodor Adorno's Theory of Pseudoculture. The analysis allowed to verify that the pseudoformation maintains barbarism through a deep state of alienation and regression that prevents the emancipation of individuals through schooling.
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