Teaching time in high school based on teachers' biographical narratives
Educational biographies, Professional life cycle of teachers, Teaching in secondary educationAbstract
This article analyzes, through a case study, the experiences and experiences of teachers in high school and the labor, temporal and affective challenges imposed on them in the daily practice of teaching. To do so, it uses as a theoretical contribution authors such as Josso (2004), Hargreaves (1998) and Huberman (1985), in order to base the teachers' perceptions about their work. The analysis presented here seeks to contribute to the studies on the cycles and phases in the teaching career, by emphasizing the importance of the vital experience of teachers on their professional practice. Thus, the article is divided into two sections, in addition to the introduction. The first section highlights some biographical syntheses of the teachers, having as background the teaching in the middle school. The second section discusses the professional life cycles of teachers from their biographies. Finally, the conclusions seek to capture the sense of being and to be a teacher of the High School in the state public school system of Minas Gerais.
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