Results-based regulation: theoretical and educational assumptions reading coupled with a World Bank’s document
Human formation, Educational assumptions, Results-based regulationAbstract
The study aims to think over theoretical and educational assumptions in parallel to results-based regulation. Modern and contemporary assumptions are highlighted, besides addressing a World Bank’s document in order to perceive the tone of assumptions made by that organization which interferes in human development. About the methodological procedures, choice of document is also linked to a bigger research in process, in which results-based regulation is discussed. We consider assumptions of modernity obscure fragmentation of knowledge under specialization. On the other hand assumptions of contemporaneity invite us to have other thoughts and it is an opportunity of resisting to the servitude and human deformation logic and additionally, that prospect is able to improve investigative experiences with other thoughts. About the document, business speech is predominant whose tone indicates modern assumptions. Thus, translating knowledge in measurable results is a key concern of the agency and it preserves the capitalist relations of production.
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