Movements of Discursive Textual Analysis in researches into Environmental Education
Qualitative research, Phenomenological description, Abstracts.Abstract
This paper describes movements of collective research carried out in a discipline developed in post-graduate programs in Education (PPGEC; PPGEA; PPGEDU) at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, located in Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. It focuses on the exercise that refers to the methodology called Discursive Textual Analysis, based on a corpus that consisted of abstracts of dissertations defended in the post-graduate program in Environmental Education at FURG from 2014 to 2018. This paper aims at introducing description as a phenomenological, attitude and at showing how to make an analytical movement based on the eidethical reduction of a category. The question that guided the study was: Which is this Environmental Education that shows itself in abstracts of dissertations of the post-graduate program in Environmental Education (PPGEA)? From the descending movement of abstract description to the movement towards the concept of problematization – one of the categories that emerged from the analytical process –, an ascending movement was carried out. It enabled interpretation and dialogue with theoreticians in different epistemologies that address “problematization” in distinct senses.
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