Education and technology: the crisis of intelligence




Education, Technology, Intelligence.


I investigated the relationship between education and technology, arguing about the limits, challenges and possibilities of coping with what we call the crisis of intelligence. My goal is to show how new technologies are transforming the way we think and act. There are many researches and reflections that show the negative influences of new technologies. However, in the educational field, there are few studies that attempt to highlight these difficulties. In this way, I understand the need to reflect, investigate and argue about the consequences of new technologies for education, based on a specific bibliography in this regard. New technologies, the internet, for example, are means and not the ends of education. As a means, they serve educational purposes, not vice versa. Therefore, it is not a question of prohibiting the access of new generations to new technologies, but of creating an educational space where they can develop all their capacities. The use of these technologies has compromised the development of important cognitive capacities such as memory, imagination and also the faculty of thinking and cooperating. To meet these challenges, revealing the results of the research, I suggest, at the end of the article, three measures that can be implemented immediately in our educational institutions.

Author Biography

Maurício Rebelo Martins, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Departamento de Educação da Universidade Federal da Paraíba - CCHSA - Campus Bananeiras


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How to Cite

Martins, M. R. (2019). Education and technology: the crisis of intelligence. Education, 44, e62/ 1–22.