The dimensions of pedagogical practice and teacher writing: challenges of teacher education


  • Maria Inês Côrte Vitória Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS
  • Rosa Maria Rigo Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Pedagogical practices, Academic writing, Classroom diaries


This article presents results of the research "The dimensions of pedagogical practice and the writing of teachers: challenges of teacher education". Through the Classical Diaries (ZABALZA, 2004) it is analyzed which pedagogical dimensions are included in the Journal of Academics in the Pedagogy Course, as well as converting such documents into the possibility of writing qualification. The methodology of work followed the 1) an explanation of the characteristics of the Classroom Diary; 2) indication of the writing frequency of the Journal; 3) recording the greatest possible number of information; 4) identification of pedagogical dimensions; 5) analysis of writing, under the criteria of: vocabulary repetition, spelling, textual cohesion and coherence; 6) Analysis of the Diaries to follow the processes developed in the Internship, and advances in writing. Some results about pedagogical dimensions: 1) planning needs to be reaffirmed as an organization of teaching, as a prediction, as a script; 2) Planning needs to appear as an element that precedes the lesson; 3) Planning is not the description of what has already happened, but the projection of what will happen; 4) the objectives, methodology, resources, activities planned in the planning need to point to the same purpose (s). About writing: 1) the scarce use of cohesive elements; 2) the compromise of textual coherence; 3) vocabulary repetitions; 4) spelling errors in writing irregular verbs; 4) overly informal language.

Author Biographies

Maria Inês Côrte Vitória, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS

Escola de Humanidades

Rosa Maria Rigo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Faculdade de Educação



How to Cite

Vitória, M. I. C., & Rigo, R. M. (2018). The dimensions of pedagogical practice and teacher writing: challenges of teacher education. Education, 43(1), 89–98.



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