Education: between subjectification and singularity


  • Sílvio Gallo Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Campinas, São Paulo



Ideology, Singularity, Education.


This article takes up the problematization of ideology to think about the ideological dimension of education. It begins from a discussion of the theme of ideology in the context of the Marxist thinking, via Marx, Gramsci and Althusser. In another reference, it seeks for the input of a phenomenological description from Sartre, exploring the relationship of the concept of “bad faith” to ideology. Then, in another paradigm, different from the philosophy of consciousness, the notion of production of subjectivities is explored, especially from Guattari, but also with the support of Deleuze and Foucault. In this context, the ideology is treated as a process of subjectification, of social construction and machinic construction of subjectivities. The possibilities of both resistance and creation, as lines of flight, are operated at the end, around the idea of singularity, facing the challenge of thinking and producing processes of singularization in educational instituions.

How to Cite

Gallo, S. (2010). Education: between subjectification and singularity. Education, 1(2), 229–244.



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