Time and performance in the teaching work


  • Elaine Conte UNILASALLE




Human time, performance, technology, teacher formation.


The emergence of a performative time, although it interacts with the unrestricted human dimensions to formal aspect of the formation process (Bildung), also reveals an instrumental rationality that treats the past as a means to legitimize the present technical act. The study rethink, from a philosophical point of view, the proper time of teacher training considering the performance as a precondition to the inevitable linguistic-expressive action in the world. Increasingly, the time appears as an important factor to performance, since the teaching work requires the creation attitudes, of recognition receptive values to otherness. Is necessary to think the time as inseparable from its language, according as provides new possibilities for critical aperture and renovation of educative work, giving new directions to performative act.

Author Biography

Elaine Conte, UNILASALLE

Professora da Graduação e pesquisadora do Mestrado em Educação - UNILASALLE, Canoas/RS.



How to Cite

Conte, E. (2014). Time and performance in the teaching work. Education, 39(3), 541–552. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984644414250



Dossier: Performance and Education