Storage units of nature: diagnostic Program State Storage Units-PSSU in the state of Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil
Protected Areas, Environmental Management, SNUC, The State Program of Conservation-PSSUAbstract
The deployment of Conservation of Nature in Rio Grande do Norte / Brazil, under state responsibility, competence is the Institute of Sustainable Development and Environment-IDEMA. This research develops a preliminary study to evaluate management in these protected areas. The method used was RAPPAM (Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Areas Management) pela.WWF developed and used in several states in Brazil. Data collection presented two biases: adirect form of questionnaires to managers and employees of two conservation units. The analysiswas indirect documentary of laws with definitions and standards applied in different UCs. The aimwas to relate the implementation of the State Program of Conservation - PEUC andrecommendations of the National System of Conservation Units-SNUC and other documents onPAs defining a preliminary diagnosis of the current status of Conservation Units established by thestate government. As a result relates to the UCs established with the objectives for which theywere created and the improvements that showed the region where they are located. Thisassessment by analyzing the theoretical guidelines and management of PAs, noted the currentstatus of state UCs. It is addressed aspects politico-institutional, administrative and land andrelations with the local population. As preliminary answers can be observed that the managementof these territories legally protected, is being implemented satisfactorily. Already anthropicpressure and lack of priority for biodiversity conservation of natural resources, both thegovernment and the population, prevents management aligning conservationism andsustainability. A number already quite worrying starts by the number of UC state created.
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