Experiences with environmental education through no formal education: the case of School State Elementary Education Dr. Honorato de Souza Santos
Non-formal education, Agricultural extension, EnvironmentAbstract
This study demonstrates the relationship between environmental education and non-formaleducation and its impact on basic education, describing the experience of Arquitetos do SaberProject, specifically environmental workshops involving children in the State School of ElementaryEducation Dr. Honorato de Souza Santos, in the Passo D'Areia, Cachoeira do Sul, RS. Themethodology used for the development of this project was descriptive research, supported by theUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), inserted into the Institutional Project UFSM /Technology Social inclusion: citizenship, environmental education and agroecology, funded byCAPES Proclamation No. 033/Novos Talents 2010. The practice of non-formal education refer tothe concept of symmetry discursive, through dialogues and prioritize social inclusion of thestudent in the pedagogical action provided through workshops on medicinal plants andenvironmental education in order to socialize and build new knowledge about medicinal plantswith the school community. The results allowed the students the awareness regarding theunderstanding and theoretical aspects around the non-formal education, in relation to basiceducation - bringing benefits to the strengthening of educational activities involving citizenshippractices, agroecology and environmental education aimed at young people. Environmentaleducation in a practical way with children proves to be a valid alternative learning, whereknowledge exchange is the key element of the study.
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