Extensão e prática social: experiência com oficinas de sustentabilidade em escola rural
Extension, Sustainability, Popular education, Social practiceAbstract
This paper describes the experience of extension activities with pedagogical practices in schoolworkshops with the Rural Sustainability in Rural School Pedro Lovato / RS-Brazil. The experienceresults in practices that seek to reflect the environmental and social situation, in order to offer andshare with the students educational and scientific tasks addressing sustainability and promoting anawareness process. The workshops run of the concept developed by Paulo Freire in building apopular education, involving students in various forms of activities, in practical action, encouragingdiscovery, to think, to create, to experimentation and discussion, seeking autonomy studentthrough criticality being developed. Through group dynamics were developed ten workshopscovering topics of sustainability, animal welfare, milking management, preservation of flora,fauna, cultural and historical restoration ecology, with the construction of compost and gardensuspended. The activities were conducted in June 2012, by students of class 11 and 12 of the discipline of Agricultural Extension UFSM on coordination the teacher responsible for the course,where the results obtained allowed the students both the academic college as the elementaryschool, the proximity and interaction between the school environment and academia, providingthe exchange of knowledge necessary for the development of a social practice that corroboratesin developing an intervention process educative and transformative.
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