Ética e cinema: uma proposta interdisciplinar para a educação ambiental
Environmental Education, Teaching Philosophy, CinemaAbstract
The Teaching of Philosophy and Environmental Education are required in the school curriculum.From this fact, this monograph integrates the theme of environmental education in ethics classes,content that is part of the content of philosophy, using the film as a pedagogical resource. Tofulfill the objective, we performed a literature review concerning the obligation of the Teaching ofPhilosophy and Environmental Education in the school curriculum and about the importance offilm used as a teaching resource in general and specifically to the discipline of philosophy.And yet,we make a "proposal" of interdisciplinarity in Ethics and Cinema to show that environmentalissues can be discussed in a philosophy class and contributing to environmental education. The"proposal" is composed of three moments: 1) Sensitize before the movie through the questions"Man is the master of nature or man is part of nature?” and, "The law is enough to make peopleaware of the importance of the environment?"; 2) Show the movie Wall-E; 3) Talk about conceptsAnthropocentrism, Holism, Consumer Society, Morality and the Law. It is designed for high schoolstudents whose curriculum has content Ethics. Being a "proposal" This work is just one of the waysof working as an interdisciplinary Ethics and Cinema intended for the Environmental Education.
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