A eficiência das salas de recursos para alunos com deficiência de aprendizagem no município de São Gabriel-RS
Salamanca Statement, Rooms Resources, San Gabriel / RSAbstract
This research aims to understand how the program is called the Special Education ResourceRoom and its role in the process of inclusion of students with disabilities / special educationalneeds in mainstream education in the municipality of São Gabriel-RS, to the extentthat these rooms have as main objective to offer ESA -Educational Support Services specialist tocontribute to the appropriation of scientific knowledge of these students and thus contributeto the process of educational and social inclusion. Initially, the work gives a brief history ofinclusive education; then explains about the program called Resource Room, contextualizing it atthe federal, state and municipal calls Multifunctional Resource Rooms. To realize this article was aqualitative methodological approach used in the form of a questionnaire for the managementteams of education of that county that have the rooms in question, since special educationis a form of education considered as a set of resources and support strategies that are availableto all students, offering different alternatives of care, providing a further reorganization ofeducation in providing strategies and methods that take account of care to children with special needs. And that these instruments can be absorbed and used not only for the special child, but forthe whole school community.
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