Educação ambiental, uma questão de “sobrevivência”: estudo de caso para o município de Bom Jesus/RN
Self-destruction, Environment, Population in the countryside of Brazil, Environmental degradation, Environmental EducationAbstract
In recent years, technological development has grown enormously and reached unprecedentedlevels. Like no other time in human history have been so many discoveries in all fields of science,creating an unparalleled production productivity. But also, is the period in which the human beingover produced means that can take you to your own destruction. Well, this is time intensive andrampant degradation, soil contamination, water, air and irrational use of natural resources thatthere's a new concern for our quality of life, change the behavior of populations of Brazil inlandtract with environmental issues. It discusses the lack of population in the countryside of Brazil inthe practice of environmental conservation, which previously was done regularly, changing theoutlook of many scholars and causing strangeness with regard to this type of behavior. Thus, wehave aimed to inquire why the intensification of degradation in recent years in corporate interior of Brazil, previously taken by many scholars as naturally green, conservative, etc.. There followed amethodological way of observation, visits to places degraded, interviews, collections ofinformation and record in notebook. It is hoped in this way, as a result, we can become aware ofthe seriousness of the situation that is our planet in order to obtain the necessary means toovercome the existential crisis of a more sustainable way possible, which is characterized by thiseven be a question of survival. The results point to the need to develop an environmentaleducation project, as a factor of this intense repairing environmental degradation in inner cities ofBrazil. As well, we become aware of the seriousness of the situation that is our planet, so that wecan find means to overcome the existential crisis of a more sustainable way possible, which ischaracterized, therefore being a matter of survival.
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