“Que planeta é esse?”


  • Loreni Beatriz Arnold Wildner Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Lilia Cavalheiro Pinto Teichmann Escola municipal infantil Solange Ana Copetti, Ijuí, RS




Environmental Education, Early Childhood Education, Garbage, Recycling


For a long time humans exploited the environment without concern for preserving the features itoffers. In addition to exploring it indiscriminately and significantly reduce the reserves of drinkingwater, clean air and productive soil, it discards its waste frighteningly increasing the production ofwaste across the planet. Thus, it is essential that, from early childhood education, first stage ofschool education, there is the development of a culture of recycling, in view of the scarcity ofexhaustible natural resources, pollution and lack of space to pack so much garbage. The "Whatplanet is this?" Was developed in the school hall Child Copetti Solange Ana, a member of themunicipal school of Ijuí with 19 students in a kindergarten class II aged between 3 and 4 years. Itwas based on storytelling, tours of observation through the neighborhood and to the creekEspinho, records with pictures and posters, collecting recyclable materials, according to the colorseparation and recycling of scrap making toys, among other activities. From this work it becameevident that the child is naturally curious and observant, and its development takes place throughdiscoveries that do and the relationships you have with the world around it. Thus it is essential todevelop activities that allow them to get in touch with issues relating to environmental issues as correct destination of the garbage and recycling, allowing them to wake up early to importantissues related to the environment and welfare of all mankind.


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Author Biography

Loreni Beatriz Arnold Wildner, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Sou formada em ciências plenas habilitação química ensino médio e ciências 1°grau pela UNIJUI/IJUI. Estou cursando pós graduação em educação ambiental pela UAB da UFSM. Trabalho há 12 anos como professora de educação infantil na rede municipal de ensino de ijui.


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How to Cite

Wildner, L. B. A., & Teichmann, L. C. P. (2012). “Que planeta é esse?”. Monografias Ambientais, 5(5), 1074–1082. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613084253