Educação ambiental; atitudes; atividades práticas, práticas ambientais


  • Sibele Karin Fagundes
  • Luiz Ernani Bonesso de Araújo Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Environmental education, Attitudes, Practical activities, Ambient practices


This research aimed to investigate the influence of practical activities in environmental education and its contribution to students’ change of habits and ecological attitudes. The sample is made up of 94 students of the final series of Anita Garibaldi School, located in Igrejinha - RS. The research was carried out in two stages. In the first one, a questionnaire was applied in order to identify students' previous postures knowledge about the theme of environmental Education. Then, students went to the Environmental Center Augusto Kampff (ECAK) to participate of a environmental-focused practice, as the building of a hospital and track activities. Later, the second questionnaire was applied with the intention of verifying whether living with environmental practices contributes or not to get new attitudes related to the environment they live. The analysis of the data showed that the concrete activities helped get new ecological postures, proving that 90 samples get the development of an environmental thought.


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How to Cite

Fagundes, S. K., & Araújo, L. E. B. de. (2011). Educação ambiental; atitudes; atividades práticas, práticas ambientais. Monografias Ambientais, 4(4), 718–729.




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