Diagnosis of environmental education activities in conservation units: proposed actions in the current context
Environmental education, Conservation units, Conflicts, Environmental managementAbstract
The present work presents a diagnosis of the activities of environmental education in Conservation Units, makes a survey of the problems faced and proposes actions to assist in the effectiveness of these activities. The study was conducted through a questionnaire where six UCs answered the survey: Parque Nacional Aparados da Serra and Parque Nacional da Serra Geral, Parque Estadual Delta do Jacuí and Área de Proteção Ambiental Estadual Delta do Jacuí, Parque Estadual de Itapeva, Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Área de Proteção Ambiental do Banhado Grande and Parque Natural Municipal Morro do Osso. All the CUs reported to carry out some environmental education activities, except for the APA Banhado Grande. The main problem cited for not doing the actions is the lack of financial incentive and lack of personnel. Regarding the needs for the effectiveness of the actions and achievement of the objectives of the CU, were cited: lack of human resources, training of personnel and financial resources and inspection. Actions proposed to assist management and make effective actions include: participatory rapid diagnosis, environmental education research in CU, partnerships with other institutions, training of environmental educators, other strategies for raising financial resources and monitoring the effectiveness of activities.
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