Practice actions and environmental education to preserve sources, Dona Francisca, RS
Permanent Preservation area, Small farms, Water resourceAbstract
The study aimed to present the activities developed in the Protection Spring Water Program, conducted in the municipality of Dona Francisca, RS. The lack of water supply in most of the farms and the neglect of the sources led the city government together with the EMATER/RS-ASCAR the city, from 1990 to perform cleanup activities to protect these places of entry sediment contaminants or animal access. In addition, care is had also to the vicinity of the springs, leaving the area protected with insulation, use of practices such as terracing for diversion of surface water, planting native trees in the vicinity when necessary, among other recommendations. Of the 12 analyzed springs, 50% were considered preserved and the rest was as needing intervention. Furthermore, there is the concomitant realization of environmental education activities with the families and children of these beneficiary communities. From the combination of these activities was possible to see a behavioral change in individuals, in the way of thinking and acting, reflecting more aware and responsible actions towards the environment.Downloads
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