New technologies of information, communication and environmental education
Communication, New information technologies, Hypermedia, Environmental EducationAbstract
In recent years the development of new information technologies and communication, as well as the expansion of its uses have created huge expectations and possibilities in education. In relation to environmental education, the use of new information and communication technologies represents an advance in formal education, since the integration of information technology and multimedia provide awareness and understanding of different environments and its intrinsic problems, by students , by spatially more distant they are. From the conception of an Environmental Education linked to the pedagogy of complexity, this article discusses the potential use of the principles of environmental education in digital media through the use of images, texts and sounds, implemented by hypermedia technology not sequential, whose information is accessed associative mode.In this work a correlation between the new information technologies, communication and these elements as a tool for worship changes in environmental education is presented, regarding the Exploration and Production of Oil that presents the greatest diversity and concentration of risk greater number of workers that industry, in particular with a high percentage of moderate items in the classification adopted.Downloads
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