Use of groundwater in Frederico Westphalen-RS: socio-environmental conditions of the users
Supply, Alternative sources, WellsAbstract
With the increasing levels of soil contamination, alternative sources of water supply are becoming a threat to the health of the population that uses this feature. Thus, this study aims to determine and evaluate the social and environmental conditions of the users of alternative sources of water supply Frederico Westphalen - RS. The evaluation was done through visits to homes and by applying a questionnaire with several questions on the topic of alternative sources of supply, during the year 2011 and 2012. The number of wells, types, locations in UTM coordinates, static levels and situations they were in were raised in these visits. Therefore, it is concluded that even having access to the public network, many users still use alternative sources to supply their homes, this being a major concern, since many users are unaware of the quality of the water used for consumption.
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