Philosophying with a life project: for an authentic student life
Life Project, Teaching, Philosophy, PedagogyAbstract
In this article we intend to investigate about the implementation and pedagogical place of the Life Project component in the curriculum of regular schools in Paraíba from the academic year of 2022, and especially the philosophical ingredients which carry this component. We will make close correlations between the Life Project and the philosophy of vital reason proposed by the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset. Initially, we go back to the general aspects of the aforementioned component, its legal frameworks and perspectives. In the second part, we will deal with the pedagogical aspects and, finally, think of a proposal for the realization of this Teaching. For this, we rely primarily on the reading of Walk and Build (2020), by the authors Meller and Campos, and also on the reading of What is philosophy? (2016b), by the Spanish philosopher. Finally, the primary role of the student is indicated when the subject is their own formation. For our analyses, we carried out analytical readings and a bibliographic review of Ortega y Gasset works directly related to Education in parallel with the authors Meller and Campos and their textbook Life Project: Walking and Building (2022), in addition to empirical observations in classrooms classes in the city of Patos-PB. This experience lived here demands the first impressions of the Life Project component in the curriculum of regular schools in Paraíba from 2022. We believe that, safeguarding the fundamental aspects of the component, allied to the principles of the philosophy of Vital Reason, this component has something to contribute in the authentic formation of young people and adolescents who attend our schools. However, if we do not pay attention to these vital aspects, we will run the risk of adding another trinket to our already compromised teaching model.
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