Imagination and methodological possibilities in the teaching of philosophy in the context of bncc




Imaginação, Ensino de Filosofia, Ensino Médio, BNCC, C. S. Lewis.


The text presented here, in the form of an article, sought to give evidence to some ideas present in a broader text, coming from a master's thesis presented at the Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Ceará, whose main objective made us walk in the search for the development of methodologies for philosophy classes in high school. This initiative, took place with the submission of a proposal within the Professional Masters in Philosophy program (PROF-FILO), inspired by the works of Irish writer Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963), from which it was possible to think about alternatives methodologies for teaching Philosophy in the context of changes in secondary education, which changed the status of the discipline, raising concerns and questions about its permanence in the curriculum in those who deal directly or indirectly with the discipline. Along the path of deepening the research, regarding our category of analysis, it revealed much more than we supposed, presenting itself as an important faculty that, allied to reason, allows the lucidity of thought, which allowed us to understanding it as a methodological tool for philosophy classes, which served as an incentive, among other actions, to set up a philosophical training course in order to meet the new school requirements in accordance with these changes, notably with regard to guidelines of the Common National Curriculum Base. Thus, we glimpse the direction in which philosophy can appear as an elective discipline and, in an interpretive effort, based on texts, notably official documents, we seek to raise reflections and indicate paths for possible readjustments concerning its teaching in basic education.


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Author Biographies

João Batista Andrade Filho, Secretaria da Educação Básica do Estado do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE

Professor doutor da Secretaria da Educação Básica do Estado do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil

Evanildo Costeski, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE

Professor doutor da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil


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How to Cite

Andrade Filho, J. B., & Costeski, E. (2021). Imagination and methodological possibilities in the teaching of philosophy in the context of bncc. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 7, e21/1–16.



Dossiê Ensino de Filosofia, BNCC e Reforma do Ensino Médio

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