The philosophy of education in the intricacies of the middle school state


  • Fernanda de Oliveira Veiverberg Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul



Philosophy, High school, Democratic management, Integral formation


The reflection about the teaching philosophy involves different issues. Within the framework of public education is necessary to understand the intricacies involving school practices, guided by the principles of democratic management, and how the government orientation are understood and executed within the reality of each school. So teach philosophy to high school youth is not something that derives only the wishes of the teachers responsible for the discipline, requires a critical understanding of the formation which aims, the field of possibilities that each educational institution offers and the practice of constant dialogue, because it comes from the bit school environment is created and developed in isolation or individually. For this, the assumptions of integral human formation and interdisciplinary teaching practices seem to correspond with the function of philosophy in high school in a curriculum restructuring context, but also paradigms.


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Author Biography

Fernanda de Oliveira Veiverberg, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Graduada pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Veiverberg, F. de O. (2016). The philosophy of education in the intricacies of the middle school state. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 1(1).



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