The electoral photograph reloaded: a social semiotic approach



Mots-clés :

Political photograph, Social semiotics, Interactive meanings


While studies on the role of social media in political campaigns are growing, we still need to understand how well established communicative resources such as political photographs have been adapted in face of the digital transformation. Departing from Barthes (1972) discussion on electoral photographs, this paper discusses the production of Interactive meanings in photographs uploaded by the three main contenders in the Presidential Election 2014 in Brazil. The results show an expansion both in the functions and semiotic strategies adopted to establish a relationship with viewers through electoral photographs.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Francisco Osvanilson Dourado Veloso, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Possui Mestrado em Letras (Inglês e Literatura Correspondente) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2002) e Doutorado em Letras (Inglês e Literatura Correspondente) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2006). Atualmente é professor adjunto na Universidade Federal do Acre, e tem a análise do discurso, semiótica social e multimodalidade, histórias em quadrinhos e discurso da mídia como principais temas e áreas de interesse para pesquisa. 


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Comment citer

Veloso, F. O. D. (2016). The electoral photograph reloaded: a social semiotic approach. Letras, (52), 73.