"The elephant and macal banner", by Christopher Kastensmidt: brazilian folkloric narratives and transmidia popular culture





Folkloric narratives, Transmedia narratives, Popular culture


If, as a general rule, the folkloric ceases to be popular in the moment that it does not prescind from the literate culture, the aim of this article is to reflect about the potentiality of the folkloric narratives in Brazilian oral literature as a subject for one of the phenomena produced in this culture, the transmediality. In light of this, the text is divided in three parts: in the first one, the focus is direct to the advent of the folklore and the folkloric narratives in the popular culture, from Cascudo (2006) and others; in the second one, a discussion about the transmedia narratives is presented, from Jenkins (2006) and others; in the third one, the two topics are put in dialogue to present an example in which these narratives replicate each other and unfold in a fictional universe specifically conceived by the literate culture offering them a new lease of life, the work The Elephant and Macal Banner, by Christopher Kastensmidt. 


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How to Cite

Rosa Junior, P. A. F. da, & Tavares, E. F. (2022). "The elephant and macal banner", by Christopher Kastensmidt: brazilian folkloric narratives and transmidia popular culture. Letras, 1(63), 94–111. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176148568094