The sociodiscursive configuration of debate in television media: polemic in political-democratic discourse
Orality, Oral genres, Political and democratic discourse, Polemic, Controversial interactionAbstract
Starting from the theoretical assumptions about polemics (AMOSSY, 2017A, 2017B) and from the text categories (TRAVAGLIA, 2017), we aim to analyze a public oral text, belonging to the oral genre debate and discuss the sociodiscursive aspects of the controversy present in the corpus. We will investigate an interaction that took place on the television program “Entre Aspas”, by GloboNews. In this program, the debaters present and discuss their perspectives on plea bargain. As a result, it is shown that the controversial interaction produced in the debate did not lead the parties to an agreement, but fulfilled an important social function, as it shows the public confrontation marked by two fields of dissent which strengthens democracy.
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- 2018-04-10 (1)
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