Political Discourse Analysis (PDA): theoretical and practical considerations
Political Discourse Analysis (PDA), Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Ideology, HegemonyAbstract
The goal of this text is to report on what was developed in DeSouza (2011) and expanded in DeSouza (2015) and DeSouza (2018). The main aim of that work was to examine Padre Cícero’s political discourse at the apex of Juazeiro do Norte’s bid for independence, in 1911. Thus, this text first discusses political discourse proper and then moves on to the two broad theoretical frameworks used there, namely, Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), as proposed by Halliday e Fairclough, respectively. From SFG, I focused on the experiential and interpersonal meanings; from the latter I dealt with the concepts of ideology and hegemony. The results showed that most of the power Padre Cícero exerted on the politics of his time stemmed from his careful use of language to represent people and events and to enact powerful social relations.
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