Writing (on) affects: Annie Ernaux’s inner writing
Affect(s), Self-writing, Autofiction, CommunityAbstract
The novels of the French Annie Ernaux, considered by the literary critic as inscribed in the contemporary genre “autofiction”, seem to construct a whole set of affections that puts the I in dialogue with the Other. The movement of affections that runs through works such as La place (1983), Une femme (1987) and Journal du dehors (1993), whatever their fluxes – from the interior to the exterior, from the exterior to the interior – enact the very constitution of the subject, indelibly inscribed in a community, family, fraternal, collective. The proposal here is, therefore, to go through these four autofictions looking for in them to recognize a particular writing of the affection (s).
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- 2023-05-16 (2)
- 2018-11-28 (1)
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