The textual production in the academic sphere: challenges concerning the act of saying materialized in secondary discourse genres
Academic textual production, Academic sphere, Literacy events and practices, Conceptual symposiumAbstract
This paper discusses challenges related to the uses of writing materialized in
discourse genres in the academic sphere, considering the participation of undergraduates of the Language – Portuguese course in the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) in the Textual Production subject. The theoretical foundation articulates conceptions of language, subject and text anchored in the Bakhtinian, Vigotskian and literacy views (CERUTTI-RIZZATTI; MOSSMANN; IRIGOITE, 2013). The methodological approach is ethnographic case study (ANDRÉ, 2008). Concerning the intelligibilities, it is enphasized the tension of the participants constitution in relation to the academic demands for textual production, specially, as to the intersubjective/intrassubjective specificities of the academic speech.
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