Juliana and Don Jorge: tradition and transformation
Cultural history. Literature. Romance. Pedro Nava.Abstract
According to Américo Paredes and Samuel Gordon Armistead (2005), folk songs and narrative poems in both the oral and written tradition are continually recreated, reshaped, and reinterpreted by traditional singers and storytellers as it is passed on from one generation to another, in a dynamic process of creativity. The goal of this paper is to expose and comment some versions of the Hispanic romance Veneno de Moriana (Moriana’s Poison) collected by Celso de Magalhães, Leite de Vasconcelos, Silvio Romero, Manuel da Costa Fontes and Pedro Nava. Based upon the considerations drawn by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, Braulio do Nascimento, Peter Burke and others, the analysis proposes that the transmision of romances or ballads could combines guiding principles of oral tradition and cultural repertories of particular societies.Downloads
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