Multimodality and sense making issues in some multimodal texts about brazilian public health program Mais Médicos (More Doctors)
Multimodality, Multiliteracy, Reading imagesAbstract
This paper discusses discoursive processes in writing and reading multimodal texts generated by a politician and midiatic brazilian event called Mais Médicos (More Doctors). In a historical moment in which the Brazilian government hires foreign doctors to care for underserved segments of the population, especially in poor localities of difficult access, many texts were produced and published in all media, explaining positions pro and against this action. Under strong controversy, the Best Doctors was maintained. The arguments and counter-arguments to the program were many. Based mainly in Kress (2003), this paper discusses the issue of movement of multimodal texts in contemporary as well as the senses of production processes from eighteen published cartoons widely shared on social networks at that time.Downloads
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