The place of the concept of ideology for the political discourse analysis (pda): a proposal in the light of the critical discourse analysis (cda)
Political Discourse Analysis (PDA), Ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)Abstract
In this work, I discuss the place of the concept of ideology for the field of Political Discourse Analysis (PDA), in line with the investigation carried out in DeSouza (2011a) and, subsequently, in DeSouza (2011b), both works based on the neo-Marxist view of ideology, which encompasses, as one of its basic dimensions, that of discourse. The theoretical basis for the present discussion lies in the Systemic-Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) and Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001). I conclude these lines by suggesting a graphic representation of ideology, and by inviting the academic community to explore the investigative potential of the concept.Downloads
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