An exploration of the resources for constructing a critical voice by students: functional stages and voice roles in scientific reviews




Answer genres, Review, Opinion, Discourse, Authorial voice


It is commonly considered that the ideal way to evaluate knowledge in the school context is by means of written coherent opinions about specific topics. However, teachers seldom explain with precision what it is to express an opinion, or the process through which discourse configures the expected disciplinary views. As an introduction to the discourse analysis of these disciplinary forms of opinion, which represents a new line of research, in this article I will show the types of authorial stance resources used in a series of scientific reviews published in the ¿Cómo Ves? magazine, edited by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Concretely, I will describe the voice roles (HOOD, 2004; MARTIN; WHITE, 2005; OTEÍZA, 2009) and the expansion/contraction of dialogic space with the participant voices, which are defined in each of the stages of the schematic structure or sequence by which the function of recommending a science book is fulfilled. For the description of these resources, I use the system of categories proposed by Appraisal Theory, a development of the interpersonal component that has attracted great interest in discourse analysts and researchers from Systemic-Functional Linguistics because of its great explanatory power of the way in which social experience is evaluated with language (OTEÍZA, 2009). I believe that with this kinds of description it will be possible to provide more precise answers to the recurrent questions posed on writing conventions of the different disciplinary communities and to build up pedagogical projects about specialized argumentation.


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Author Biography

Laura Aurora Hernández Ramírez, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala

Tem formação em Ciências da Linguagem pela Benemérita Universidade Autônoma de Puebla (BUAP). Na atualidade (2013-1017) desenvolve seu projeto acerca das características do posicionamento autoral em artigos de investigação pedagógica em Ciências da Linguagem na BUAP.


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How to Cite

Ramírez, L. A. H. (2015). An exploration of the resources for constructing a critical voice by students: functional stages and voice roles in scientific reviews. Letras, (50), 383–406.