Contraction or expansion? Position in scientific journal peer reviews in the systemic-functional perspective




Systemic Functional Linguistics, Appraisal, Engagement subsystem, Peer reviews, Textual genres


This paper analyses peer reviews in one Linguistics scientific journal and is based on the Systemic Functional Linguistics approach (HALLIDAY, 1985; 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) and Appraisal System (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005). The corpus consists of 67 peer reviews: approved articles without restrictions (A), approved articles with restrictions (AR) and rejected articles (R). The study identified thirteen topics (aboutness) discussed by referees: Abstract, Analysis, Argumentation, Bibliography, Contribution, Form, Language, Methodology, Objective, Result, Theme, Theory and Title. Results reveal a predominance of heteroglossia in all the three groups, although more instantiations of monoglossicpositionings in group A was observed. Group AR presents frequent occurrences of Dialogic Expansion through meanings of Entertain. Group R presents more frequency of Dialogic Contraction, predominantly through resources of Negation.


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Author Biography

Osilene Maria de Sá e Silva da Cruz, Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Osilene Maria de Sá e Silva da Cruz é graduada em Letras, especialista em Educação/ Atualização Pedagógica (UFRJ), mestre em Estudos Linguísticos/ Estudos de Tradução (UFMG) e doutora em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem (PUC SP). Atualmente, é Professora Adjunta do Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (NESRJ), onde trabalha com o ensino de Língua Portuguesa como L1 e L2.


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How to Cite

Cruz, O. M. de S. e S. da. (2015). Contraction or expansion? Position in scientific journal peer reviews in the systemic-functional perspective. Letras, (50), 303–332.