The lusophony and the authors in the Jornada de Passo Fundo: circumstances, apples and nagô braids
Identity, Lusophony, Jornada Nacional de LiteraturaAbstract
The text aims to present various testimonies from writers and scholars of lusophony who were invited to come to Jornada de Literatura de Passo Fundo, between the beginning of the 90’s and today. Such statements relate, among other things, the discussions relating to the issue of identity, subject to the cultural relations between Portuguese-speaking countries. Contextualizing the emergence and consolidation of Jornadas in a socio-political scene and observing the dialogical nature of the statements and speeches, this paper will look at the word of “other”, writers who come to Brazil willing to discuss their own identity, with the property to mobilize us, by our side, reflecting on our identity and how we identify ourselves with that other, which is so similar.Downloads
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