‘Being strong on both sides’: Shakespearean heroines equivocations





Shakespeare, Equivocation, Henry Garnet, Truth and lying


In the sixteenth century, politico-religious persecution led English Catholics to develop a technique for dealing with Protestant inquiries while avoiding the sin of perjury. Conceived by Henry Garnet in his Treatise of Equivocation, the practice consisted of formulating sentences that were always true but had two different meanings: one easy to understand but false; the other true but complex and hidden. This article investigates how some Shakespearean heroines explore this technique to answer questions in distressing situations. As the persecuted politico-religious minority did in history these misguided heroines seek to protect themselves or those whom they love in the plays.


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Ricardo Cardoso, University of São Paulo

Mestre em História Social pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo, e doutorando no mesmo programa sob orientação da Dra. Iris Kantor, com previsão de depósito da Tese para janeiro de 2023. Ricardo realizou estágio de pesquisa no Shakespeare Institute/University of Birmingham (UK) durante o Mestrado em 2015 e durante o Doutorado em 2019-2020 com financiamento pela FAPESP (processos 2015/05657-3 e 2019/01297-3), ambos sob supervisão do Dr. Martin Wiggins. O estudioso é membro do Renaissance Drama Research Group, grupo de pesquisas coordenado na Inglaterra pelo Dr. Wiggins.


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Cardoso, R. (2024). ‘Being strong on both sides’: Shakespearean heroines equivocations. Letras, (67), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176148573571