Intercultural Curriculum and Corporal Practices in the Interdisciplinary Educational Context
Currículo, Interculturalidade, Interdisciplinaridade, Práticas corporaisAbstract
The study approaches the subject of the curriculum in view of another way of thinking about training in Physical Education. Specially, it discusses the main meanings involved in the scope of curriculum theory, pointing to three traditions that constitute the debate in education: traditional, critical and post-critical theories, pointing to an intercultural, interdisciplinary and complex sense in the context of teaching and learning of corporal practices. From the methodological perspective, it constitutes an essay, of a hermeneutic nature, which is based on the interpretative and qualitative analysis of works that focus on the topic of the curriculum, interculturality, interdisciplinarity and complexity, to analyze expanded pedagogical meanings about the body practices in training in Physical Education. The approach thematizes the possibility for a new meaning construction of thinking training Physical Education, in which the issues that involve the construction of curricula, become the object of training based on critical and post-critical theories. It also deals with a reflection that seeks to keep alive the questioning about the meanings of an interdisciplinary and complex approach in dealing with issues of corporal practices, as well as the body, and culture in Physical Education.
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