Continued education for teachers of early childhood education of municipal elementary schools in Santa Maria: games and bodily experiences
Formação Continuada, Educação Infantil, Brincar, Experiências CorporaisAbstract
This work results from the analysis of the process of continued teacher education for teachers of Early Childhood
Education (ECE) of Municipal Elementary Schools in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in an extension
project of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in which the focus was games and bodily experiences during
childhood. The work was carried out in a virtual environment, using narratives produced by the participating
teachers, linking memories of their childhood experiences with their pedagogical practices with ECE and childhood
concepts that guide their teaching. The videoconferences, roundtables and written production were guided by a
dialogical relationship, culminating in a virtual seminar in which pedagogical experiences and productions resulting
from the training were shared. The project also affected the training process of undergraduate and master’s degree
students and teachers who worked in its organization and implementation, in addition to the participating teachers.
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