Profile of the behavior of schoolchildren victims of bullying and their aggressors
Aggression, Violence, Bullying, SchoolchildrenAbstract
The aim of this study was to identify the behavior profile of schoolchildren victims of bullying and aggressors, comparing possible differences between sexes. Cross-sectional study with 200 students from both sexes, age 9 to 15. For data collection, a questionnaire with inquiries related to bullying was used. The data was analyzed using the SPSS v. 23.0, considering a significance level of p <0.05 and expressed in absolute and relative frequencies. In its entirety, there was a high percentage of schoolchildren who have already suffered some type of aggression (55,5%), having verbal as the main one (25,0%) and occurring mainly at school recess (27,5%). One boy was the most cited as an aggressor (25,5%). The findings indicate a high prevalence of school bullying for both victims and aggressors and thus highlights the need for social actions aimed at preventing aggressive acts and promoting school coexistence in a healthy and friendly manner.Downloads
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