Netnography of swimming/aquatic body practices in school physical education
Swimming, Aquatic body practices, CyberspaceAbstract
This research sought to answer the following question: how are aquatic body practices and swimming, in particular, as educational content in school physical education disseminated in cyberspace on social networks? Its objective is to discuss and analyze, based on netnography, the place of aquatic/swimming body practices in the context of school physical education. To this end, a netnography was carried out on the social networks,,, and The results point to an incipient context regarding the teaching-learning process involving swimming aquatic practices in the school environment and disseminated in the cyberspace. However, there is the spread of teaching this subject from the routines of pedagogical sequences composed of contents that prioritize the technical gestural domain of the four classic swims. There is also a prevalence of teaching this content in the daily lives of private schools, however in the format of coaching and as extracurricular advertising.Downloads
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