On the idea of teaching the dialogical-problematizing movement: to think about "se movimentar"
Physical Education, Teaching, Dialogical-ProblematizingAbstract
The problems that permeate teaching and learning have always crossed the area of Physical Education. The idea of learning about “se movimentar” through dialogical-problematizing teaching appears, even if in part, from the act of Elenor Kunz finding in Paulo Freire important principles for (re)thinking the teaching of Physical Education at school (KUNZ, 1991). This text has as its central thesis the question about what does Elenor Kunz mean when he is referring to a teaching of dialogical-problematizing movement? And it aims to answer, above all, what this movement teaching conception proposes. Therefore, it is a theoretical investigation, which consists of (re)building concepts, theories and ideas, seeking to expand the discussions. Along this path, the Dutch and German tradition of human movement is recovered (Sich bewegen). Finally, it resumes the idea of teaching the dialogical-problematizing movement, in the sense of continuing to think about the challenges surrounding teaching and learning in the contemporary.
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