Material culture in school physical education: discourse and praxis
School physical education, Educational project, Motor praxeology, Material cultureAbstract
We aim to show the relation between the educational project and the use of space in the motor situations practiced in physical education. We adopted the ethnographic method with case studies from a public and private school in Burgos, Spain. We observed the PE classes of a group in each of the schools during a year. We analyzed the internal and external logic of the 510 motor situations: 242 practiced in the public and 268 in the private center. We found that practices with object prevail, although those without object are significant in the private school. The materials are purchased, industrial and specific. However, in the public center they are colorful and attractive, while in the private they are multipurpose, unsophisticated and old. In conclusion, the Burgos school tends to reproduce the consumer society. However, the private school is distinguished from the public in a less present and specific material culture.
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